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Blog maintaind by Rabbi Reueven Chaim Klein
Brief visitor guide to Bonyhád
Dogs removed from Orthodox cemetery
Bonyhád and its aerial views, the two cemeteries, gravestones, maps, Jewish places in Bonyhád
Holocaust and the Bonyhád Jewish Community
Bonyhád Holocaust Memorials
Post-WWII Books about Bonyhád's Jewish Community
Bonyhad related interviews by Dr. Les Glassman
Other material about Bonyhád
A Bonyhád "Gnizah"
Holocaust in Hungary - by Eszter Garai Edler (Budapest)
Blog maintaind by Rabbi Reueven Chaim Klein
Aerial views of Bonyhád via a drone
High resolution aerial (drone) photos of the Bonyhád Orthodox cemetery and high resolution photos
of the gravestones were taken in April 2024 by Mr. Gábor Szentes and Réka Máté, respectively.
Due to storage limitation on the webserver the gravestone images are shown in reduced resolution.
On the above three webpages click HELP for explanations and guidance.
The three websites were developed to be used with computers and large screens
Jewish Life in Bonyhád 3D Visualization
Map of the Bonyhád Ghetto (Spring 1944)
Aerial views of the two Jewish Cemeteries
Bonyhád street etc. name translation from old names
Bonyhád Holocaust Memorial Plaque (2014)
Bonyhád Megilat Hashmada (Scroll of Destruction) - Martyr List
New Holocaust memorial in Bonyhád (2014) by the old synagogue
New Holocaust memorial in Bonyhád (2014) with Martyr List
Video of the exhibit by Réka Máté
Slide show of the Forgotten Faces exhibit by Réka Máté
Holocaust Memorial (2011)
Downloadable book -
Mr. János (Zvi) Eisner: A bonyhádi zsidók története
(Tel Aviv 1965 in Hungarian)
Leslie Blau: Bonyhád: a Destroyed Community
(New York, 1994) Click to view on Google Books
Blau László: Bonyhád – Egy elpusztított zsidó közösség (Bonyhád, 2008 in Hungarian)
Hanna Galandauer: The Apple Tree (Jerusalem, 2017 in Hebrew)
Lily Ebert and grandson - Lily's Promise: Holding On to Hope Through Auschwitz and Beyond -
וידבר משה השלם
Bonyhád Jewish Community -
An important resource managed by Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein
Bonyhád Holocaust Monument Facebok Group's page
Bonyhád as we remember it (video slide show).
Bonyhád Orthodox Synagogue until Spring 1944 -
Exterior (recent photo)
Bonyhád Orthodox Synagogue until Spring 1944 - Interior
Videos about Lily Ebert (Englman) and Family
Mr. Zsolt Breuer, an antique dealer in Bonyhád, obtained a large number of old sforim. Many may be in poor condition.
Many books include names and even notes, scribbles by those who used them long ago
Images of pages with names etc. can be seen via Google Drive
Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein in Jerusalem found the following family names in some of the books whose relevant page(s) were available to him:
Alweisz, Beck, Blum, Ferenc, Fridling, Frohlich, Goldring, Kaufman, Kohler,
Kohn,Krausz, Kritzler, Lajos, Muller, Roth, Salamon, Schwarz, Steiner, Strausz,
Ullman, Warum, Weisz, Zeif
Some names could not be deciphered and there may be additional books not seen to date.
Mr. Breuer offered to gift some of the books to close relatives of those whose name appears in the sforim when they visit in Bonyhád.
Hopefully an arrangement can be made for certified relatives to receive selected sforim via mail.
Video of visit to Bonyhád by Avigdor Galandauer from London to obtain some of the sforim.
Extraordinary actions and deportations
Forced Labor Camps (munkaszolgálat)
Auschwitz Transports from Hungary (brief article)
Diplomat Protectors and Rescuers
The Rescuers during the Holocaust
Brief visitor guide to Bonyhád's main Jewish and related sites
for members of the International Bonyhád Jewish Community.
Bonyhád and its aerial views, the two cemeteries, gravestones, maps,
Jewish places in Bonyhád
Two webpages were developed with which to view the gravestones.
Website 1: click a dot on a small gravestone image
to see the associated gravesone photo
Website 2: click to view the gravestones only
Interactive map of places where Jews lived in Bonyhád
Shows locations where Jews resided or had other presence in Bonyhád until Spring 1944.
and may not work well on smart phones.Holocaust and the Bonyhád Jewish Community
Holocaust Memorials
Holocaust Memorial (20l8)
Holocaust Memorial (2019)
Holocaust Memorial (2020)
Holocaust Memorial in Bonyhád and Stumbling Blocks (April 2022)
Holocaust Memorial in Bonyhád - June 28, 2022)
Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem (July 18, 2022)
Holocaust Memorial in Bonyhád (April 2023)
Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem (July 9, 2023)
Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem (July 24, 2024)
Post-WWII Books about Bonyhád's Jewish Community
History of the Jews of Bonyhád and a brief Addenda
Click to view in Google Books
Available at the Israel National Library
Available at the Israel National Library
A Story for All Generations (May 2022)
Available on Amazon
דרושים ופנינים נפלאים על פרשיות התורה : מוסר, אגדה והלכה / מאת רבי משה הלוי פאלאק
Veyedaber Moshe
About Jewish life in Bonyhád and teachings of a famous and highly regarded Rabbi of Bonyhád: Rabbi Moshe Halevy Pollák.
6 volume set in Hebrew edited by Rabbi Pollák's grandson Rabbi Eliezer Halevy Pollák
Published in Jerusalem (July 2022)
Available at the Israel National Library
May be purchased directly from Rabbi Eliezer Pollak
a6370552@gmail.com Mobile: +972 052 717-2774
Mr. Leslie Blau: בונהאד חורבן קהילה יהודיה Click to view on academia.edu
Bonyhád: a Destroyed Community (in Hebrew Jerusalem, 2022)
Edited an published by Rabbi Chaim Reuven Klein.
Translated from Hungarian by Keren Bar-Shaked.
Published version on Google
Book available at the Israel National Library
Bonyhád related interviews by Dr. Les Glassman
Other material about Bonyhád
Martyr List at end is incomplete
A Bonyhád "Gnizah"
Produced by talented and kind photographer in Bonyhád: Réka Máté (in Hungarian).
Article about the visit by Réka Máté (in Hungarian)
If viewed with the Google Chrome browser there is an option to automatically translate to English.
Holocaust in Hungary - by Eszter Garai Edler (Budapest)
Few Who Saved Many
Comments to lpfeffer@gmail.com
Revision September 1, 2024