
Two important interviews by Prof. David Kranzler

Prof. David Kranzler interview with Hillel Kook (aka Peter Bergson) in New York

Prof. David Kranzler interview with Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld in London

Some important statements

Rabbi Norman Lamm (Chancellor of Yeshiva University): Beacons in the Dark
Recorded over telephone.

MP (Canada) Irv Cotler: Beacons in the Dark
Recorded in Jeriusalem

Rabbi David Rosen: A Tribute to Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld
Recorded in Jerusalem

Statement by Louise von Dardel, Raoul Wallenberg's niece (around 2007)

Louise von Dardel talk at Eric Saul's Visas for Life exhibit in Jerusalem around 2003

Dr. Bengt Jangfeldt (Swedish historian and author): Statement about Raoul Wallenberg
Recorded at a Yad Vashem event

A brief interview a Jerusalem with Nathan Sharansky (then Chairman of the Jewish Agency)
To the right stands another great Jewish hero, Yoseph Begun who spent many years in Russian dungeons and Siberian exile
due to firm his Zionist beliefs and strong Jewish identity.

Rabbi Yosef Mendelevits' memories of Purim 1953 in the Soviet Union
Recorded at an international book fair in Jerusalem.

Discussion with stepdaughter of Holocaust Hero Carl Lutz: My Story
Carl Lutz protected, saved tens of thousabds of Jews in Budapest during the Holocaust.
Recorded at a meeting in Tel Aviv with Agnes and Dr. Les Glassman

Discussion with Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Eri Jabotinsky's son and Ze'ev Jabotinsky's grandson
At Haifa University

Past Events

Judaism and Environment Conference
Jan 29, 2002 - R&B at the OU Israel Center>

Hillel Kook Memorial Evening
Aug 27, 2003 -  R&B at the OU Israel Center

Discussion on occasion of Shimon Peres' Birthday Bash
"How did the Oslo Illusion become such a tragedy?"
Was Moshe Sharett's Prophecy Fulfilled?
Sept 21, 2003 - R&B at the OU Israel Center

Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandl Memorial Evening
Dec 3, 2003 - R&B at the OU Israel Center

Prof. David Kranzler lecture on Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandl
Preceded by showing of Czech documentary "Among Blind Fools" by VERAfilm in Prague
R&B at Israel Center

Prof. David Kranzler lecture on George Mantello (Mandel)
with brief talks by the ambassadors of El Salvador and Switzerland
R&B at the OU Israel Center

Prof. David Kranzler :George Mantello and the Swiss people stopping the Hungarian Auschwitz transports
Talk was given at the Hebrew University in 2006

Prof. David Kranzler lecture on Recha Sternbuch
R&B at the Israel Center

Prof. David Kranzler lecture on Rabbi Solomon Schoenfeld
R&B at the Israel Center

Remembering Liberation of the Budapest Ghetto, Honoring Raoul Wallenberg and other Major Rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust
Jan 18, 2004 at AMCHA, Jerusalem

Purimfest 1953
Celebrating that the Jews in he evil Soviet Imperialist Empire were saved from a 20th century Haman: Stalin
Mar 9, 2004 at Beit Ha Kehilot, part of Jerusalem Municipality - Auditorium, Rechov Jaffo 36, Jerusalem)>

Remembering Raoul Wallenberg
celebrated on August 3, 2004, the evening before his birthday
At B'nei B'rith, Keren Hayessod 3-5, Jerusalem

Beacon in the darkness: Recha Sternbuch - Heroine of Rescue
Oct 10, 2004 - Israel Center

Rebecca and Joseph Bau
The story of the couple who saved many Jews and
got married in the Plesow concentration camp, which was shown in "Schindler's List"
Oct 24, 2004 at AMCHA, Jerusalem

Commemorative gallery and benefit art sale
exhibiting excellent art works of Behy, Mordecai Beck and Valerie Wolfson.
Dec 26, 2004, Merkaz Ha Tarbuyot (Cultural Center), Rechov Hillel 27, Jerusalem

Purimfest 1953
(Spring 2006, R&B at the OU Israel Center

Colette Aboulker Muscat's 100th Birthday and
A website about Colette
Jerusalem - January 29, 2009

Events under Root &Branch auspices marked by R&B

Events held at the Israel Center. Jerusalem marked by Israel Center

International Rescuer Day Events

International Rescuer Day 2005
About major Holocaust era non-Jewish and Jewish rescuers.
January 17, 2005 at theater "Mekaz Hatarbuyot", Rechov Hillel, Jerusalem

International Rescuer Day 2006 music, song, story telling and art event about major Holocaust era non-Jewish and Jewish rescuers.
January 17, 2006 at "Beit Belgia" at the Hebrew University Ramat Gan Jerusalem campus

International Rescuer Day 2007
about major Holocaust era non-Jewish and Jewish rescuers.
January 17, 2006 at Beit Belgia fculty club, Hebrew University Ramat Gan campus, Jerusalem

International Rescuer Day 2008
January 17, 2008
R&B and OU Israel Center

International Rescuer Day 2009
January 17, 2009 at the Jerusalem Cinematheque

International Rescuer Day 2010
January 17, 2008 at Israel's Parliament: the Knesset

Miscellaneous Topics

The Rescuers - including the few "Jewish Wallenbergs"

Purimfest 1946

Purimfest 1953: being saved from a Haman of the 20th century
R&B and at the OU Israel Center

International Pi Day: March 14 (3.14)

Purimfest 1953
At the Mizrachi World Center, Jerusalem


By Har Eval, where Yehoshua built the first altar in Eretz Israel.
It is opposite Shem.
Yaacov Werker on the left video


In a Jerusalem forest on Purim 2011. Singer: Chaim


Talia Erdal playing at the Jerusalem OU Israel Center
Vas is gevorn von main shtetele and Ani Maamin



The Jerusalem Working Group for Recognition of Major Jewish Rescuers during the Shoah
was formed in July 2004 and is dormant since about 2009.

JWG took various steps to assure that the legendary dedicated, brave few Jewish rescuers, the "Jewish Wallenbergs",
whose activism led to protection, rescue of possibly hundreds of thousands
will finally be appropriately "recognized" by Jews, Israel and others world-wide.

Information about JWG is posted on: jwg.awardspace.info

Contact about this website: Larry Pfeffer lpfeffer@gmail.com